Oh, I loveee this, I'm not a regular CHD listener but commend Alex's decision to have her on and think it was a good interview but her introduction to the episode was cowardly. This is a great piece.

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I’m so happy you enjoyed! Yes, cowardly is definitely the word!!!

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That's the word!

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"Everything is politics!" sing it with me now

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Interesting read! My own personal opinions aside, an opportunity I think was taken for granted in this whole thing was the final CTA to get Daddy Gang registered to vote. Given the platform of both Alex and Kamala is would have been monumental to have some sort of easy click here to register now link following with a branded Daddy Gang Votes sticker of sorts.

That's what is most disappointing to me - an incomplete quid pro quo. Dare I say the lack of depth beyond the surface. It's so easy for people to talk the talk, not so much to walk the walk. An approach to the advocacy of women's rights is built on spoiled foundation if it is not grounded in the roots that nurture the whole damn thing - democracy. Aka our ability as American Citizens to vote.

With that said, I'm an Alex Cooper and Kamala Harris fan and truly do appreciate any two people amplifying their voice in efforts to inform people in today's cultural script what's going on in politics and how it effects women and their bodies.

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Unless I've missed this, please inform me! Also, to your point of not taking a hard stance, I think it's a shame because she could reallyyyyy (REALLY) play into the sound bytes of Donald Trump calling her dumb in a humorous, intelligent way... maybe what she would have lost in trump fans she would have tripled in Kamala fans. Maybe not. Who knows. Politics and media are a dicey duo. With 125M on the line, stakeholders may have had more say in her strategy than we know.

What I do know is, if you're talking to everyone... you're talking to no one. I think that's what made Alex super successful in the first place, her polarizing nature. It's really her superpower. She's an unstoppable force when she unapologetically shares what she believes. I would have loved to see her lean in to that with this interview too.

But again, I get it. Politics and media are truly a dangerous threat to the health of her career in today's cancel culture landscape.

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It certainly would be interesting to get insight on how little of her opinion she could share because of stakeholders or if that was all from her own political fears.

I think the industry of podcasting is super interesting, especially when so much money is involved and I do feel like to your point, who knows how much she would’ve gained from having a more confident political stance. It still seems like she lost some followers due to the nature of the interview, even when trying to reassure her audience of a somewhat political neutrality.

At the same time, though, I believe that, inherently, a conversation about women’s agency in the current United States of America requires the acknowledgement of being political/politicized but hey, I certainly do not have a multimillion dollar deal!

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I was also surprised by the lack of initiative when it came to encouraging people to vote, whether it was through Alex making a statement or yes, a simple link for people to register to vote!

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This was an excellent read and really helped me think through all the reasons I found the intro so grating. I'm new the CHD world and have been curious about her massive appeal (no shade, I get some of the draw), but this faux neutrality makes it all click.

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I’m so happy you enjoyed reading this! I felt crazy after listening to that intro 💀

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Part of me feels like her need to defend her self in part protects some of her fan base (white right wing woman) and inadvertently alienates another (staunchly liberal woman, woman of color). I would personally feel “safer” listening to her podcast if she flat out endorsed Kamala. Nonetheless, great piece! Choice feminism seems to hit the nail on the head :)

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I like the interview. I didn't know anything about Alex Cooper or the daddy gang prior. So I watched another episode of The Daddy gang and turned it off fairly quickly because I think they were probably 10 or 12 f-bombs in the first 2 minutes. I understand and appreciate ranting but that was too much for me. 😔.

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Love this! It reminds me of an episode of The View I watched years ago where a Republican woman came on and said with such pride “Politics is what I do. It’s no who I am.” Everyone around her looked at her like she was crazy, and rightfully so. What a privilege it is to make political decisions that aren’t in alignment with your identity and have no shame.

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